tingting u have bling bling!
I was walking to LSE on my way for netball practice (1 hour late because SOMEBODY didnt call me to wake me up) and the streets were really quiet. I got to school and the 2 security guards at the reception asked me to show them my ID. I fished out my wallet from my bag and started fumbling around for my LSE ID card. As I was doing this, this is the conversation that took place
*security guard's eyes bulged (common reaction)*
security guard: that is one heck of a ring
me: haha, erm....thanks? :)
security guard: it must have cost a bomb!
me: huh? what do u mean? *dumbfounded expression*
security guard: That ring is encrusted with diamonds. *and he proceeds to touch my ring*
me: *mouth hangs open* it isn't real, it's just cosmetic jewellry
security guard: (who obviously didn't hear me) jeez....that's some ring.
me: *tries hard to stifle a laughter*.... ok thanks.
ok, before i go on any further, I'm sure you guys wanna know how the ring looks like right?

nice? it's supposed to be a rose

I think it looks nice on my hand as well! suits me.... =)
yeah but anyway, how could he have thought that it was real? I bet he thought that I was wearing some serious bling bling. haha. I hope no one else thinks that it's real. It would be a little vulgar if it was made of real diamonds.
In case you guys are wondering, it was 1.99 pounds on ebay. Shipping charge 1 pound. Go get your own! :)