Food food food
I was so tired last night that I couldn't blog. The weather has been horrible. Cold and wet..urgh. But at least I went home last night with a warm, big, full tummy. :) Philip cooked dinner again, this time it was spaghetti bolognaise.

It was really good.....but i found out the secret to all his recipes. Butter butter and more butter! urgh. haha. but it's good! anyway, all of us were smiling from ear to ear after eating. especially me.
I've been eating tons and tons. This morning I had krispy kremes for breakfast. (I was craving for them so much during lecture that I just had to have them!) Then after lectures, sung and I were walking to leicester square and we found BEN'S COOKIES!!!!

Sung has been raving about these cookies! She thought they were only available at oxford but... surprise surprise! I bought the triple chocolate chunk cookie and's was so sooo sooo good. Famous amos, mrs fields, bakin' boyz all cannot compare to it! I was beaming like a nut after I took my first bite. I shall bring some home for the boyfriend, friends and family to try. I think my brother will love it. The chocolate is oozing out and the cookie bit is crunchy!
After that we went to a japanese restaurant called misato. Sung's friends recommended it to her so we decided to try it.

I had the katsu curry while sung had tempura udon with iced tea. Aiyoh...she's so skinny right?! She eats so much.....she deserves to be fat! haha, but some girls are born lucky.

It was really good.....but i found out the secret to all his recipes. Butter butter and more butter! urgh. haha. but it's good! anyway, all of us were smiling from ear to ear after eating. especially me.
I've been eating tons and tons. This morning I had krispy kremes for breakfast. (I was craving for them so much during lecture that I just had to have them!) Then after lectures, sung and I were walking to leicester square and we found BEN'S COOKIES!!!!

Sung has been raving about these cookies! She thought they were only available at oxford but... surprise surprise! I bought the triple chocolate chunk cookie and's was so sooo sooo good. Famous amos, mrs fields, bakin' boyz all cannot compare to it! I was beaming like a nut after I took my first bite. I shall bring some home for the boyfriend, friends and family to try. I think my brother will love it. The chocolate is oozing out and the cookie bit is crunchy!
After that we went to a japanese restaurant called misato. Sung's friends recommended it to her so we decided to try it.

I had the katsu curry while sung had tempura udon with iced tea. Aiyoh...she's so skinny right?! She eats so much.....she deserves to be fat! haha, but some girls are born lucky.
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