Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Twisted on destiny, fate and three wishes
We fuck and we fight, someone else does the dishes,
And meantime my memory reminisces and twists,
There was a time when we were filled with laughter,
Haplessly hoping happy ever after,
Did we string up a heart, let it swing from the rafters
And bleed.
There's blood on your legs ,I love you
Saturday, February 25, 2006
day 1
Honeymoon, day 1: Fucking awesome! Slight detour was made for school but, other than that, smooth sailing all the way. My husband is completely knocked out now. I think the luncheon lime did the trick. teehee. Aww, he's had a rough day.
Friday, February 24, 2006
honey and the moon
dance night was awesome! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish i was stick thin and could groove like that. I'm dying of envy right now. The way they danced kinda reminded me of my cousin.
I remember a funny incident. I was staying over at her place and she was grooving to the music, and she danced exactly like a guy (in a good way). I was really fascinated as I'm really sick and tired of the ways girls dance. Yes they look sexy. Yes they look attractive. Yes they look like limp dead branches swaying in the wind. So, the way my cousin danced looked so refreshing. I asked her to teach me how to dance like a guy. So she did. And well, surprise surprise, I sucked at it. Bleah. I guess it's a good thing I didn't join dance society afterall.
Xiang, if you're reading this, I know you're dying of ecstasy.
ANYWAY, I have an annoucement to make! I'm going on my honeymoon! Yes!! Starting from tomorrow, I'm gonna be whisked away to a creamy dreamy place. For 10 days, I'm gonna be nose deep in bliss. You guys can't come!
I remember a funny incident. I was staying over at her place and she was grooving to the music, and she danced exactly like a guy (in a good way). I was really fascinated as I'm really sick and tired of the ways girls dance. Yes they look sexy. Yes they look attractive. Yes they look like limp dead branches swaying in the wind. So, the way my cousin danced looked so refreshing. I asked her to teach me how to dance like a guy. So she did. And well, surprise surprise, I sucked at it. Bleah. I guess it's a good thing I didn't join dance society afterall.
Xiang, if you're reading this, I know you're dying of ecstasy.
ANYWAY, I have an annoucement to make! I'm going on my honeymoon! Yes!! Starting from tomorrow, I'm gonna be whisked away to a creamy dreamy place. For 10 days, I'm gonna be nose deep in bliss. You guys can't come!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
used and tossed aside
This morning, I spread a generous layer of butter and jam on a slice of heavenly soft and chewy bread. I sunk my teeth into it and as I chewed, I noticed a subtle but revolting meaty taste coming from my deceivingly delicious looking jam sandwhich. It was disgusting.
I brought my relatively new tub of butter to my nose and took a big wiff. I could have vomitted. It smelled like rotton meat. Then I realised, the putrid smell of the communal fridge had marinated my butter. bummer.
Seriously, the fridge smells as though something died in there 3 years ago. Who knows... I bet even if I stuffed a human ear in there, no one would discover it amongst all the expired junk that's stuffed inside. I have done some inspection and I've come to a conclusion that it's the milk that's causing that foul stench. But I can't throw out someone's milk, can I? Ah, the life of a tortured bankside resident.
I finished my Jam sandwhich anyhow.
I brought my relatively new tub of butter to my nose and took a big wiff. I could have vomitted. It smelled like rotton meat. Then I realised, the putrid smell of the communal fridge had marinated my butter. bummer.
Seriously, the fridge smells as though something died in there 3 years ago. Who knows... I bet even if I stuffed a human ear in there, no one would discover it amongst all the expired junk that's stuffed inside. I have done some inspection and I've come to a conclusion that it's the milk that's causing that foul stench. But I can't throw out someone's milk, can I? Ah, the life of a tortured bankside resident.
I finished my Jam sandwhich anyhow.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
random pictures

nothing wakes you up like hot chocolate and a cookie

Blue skies are relatively rare here. But when it appears, it's really beautiful

Did someone say beyonce?

Sung looking like a cool korean rock star. Me looking like a vagrant.

hee. my hair style in 50 years time when I become one of those aunties who go for frequent perms.

First picture of my nose stud.

Sung is so cute!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
In you I taste God
Why does my Johari window say that I'm sentimental? I am not sentimental! not one bit. I took this test, and it said that i'm 70%boy and 30% girl. pfft...so not sentimental and I feel very strongly about this!
hmm, come to think of it, I know what I am and I know what I'm not. But that hasn't stopped me from running away from reality and burrying myself in the arms of self-deception.
But, no matter how hard I try, there are still moments where I come face to face with the raw, unadulterated me. Pretenses, facades, mannerisms crumble into dust and I realise there's no point in hiding. All you can do is stare at yourself point blank.
Sometimes, it's just so hard to like what you see.
This is for those of you who dare. Do it:) No offense will be taken
hmm, come to think of it, I know what I am and I know what I'm not. But that hasn't stopped me from running away from reality and burrying myself in the arms of self-deception.
But, no matter how hard I try, there are still moments where I come face to face with the raw, unadulterated me. Pretenses, facades, mannerisms crumble into dust and I realise there's no point in hiding. All you can do is stare at yourself point blank.
Sometimes, it's just so hard to like what you see.
This is for those of you who dare. Do it:) No offense will be taken
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
my chemistry teacher
i just thought of something really random.
exactly 2 years ago, I was in the chemistry lab. It was the end of chemistry class and everyone was busy stuffing wet test tubes into their bags and packing chemical stained notes into their files. My chemistry teacher ( I can't remember for the life of me what his name is) was at the front of the lab, trying to stuff out brains with last minute information. After awhile, he realised that no one was really listening to him. So, to end off, he said:
"ok, happy valentines day. Don't worry if you have no one to spend valentines day with. No matter what, your chemistry notes will always be there for you. class dismissed."
That got everyone's attention and they giggled to themselves at the funny remark the teacher made.
I, on the other hand, felt uneasy. There in front of me was a man whose entire life consisted of chemistry. He breathed chemistry. He ate chemistry. He drank chemistry. He lived chemistry. At that moment, I imagined him as a teenager, bent over a poorly lit table that was sagging under the weight of chemistry books. I imagined him pouring information into his brain, and finally, at the stroke of midnight, he decides to call it a night. He goes to sleep with chemistry equations swimming in his brain, and a contented smile creeps onto his face.
This thought disturbed me alot.
In retrospect, I was making alot of assumptions. But what if what I had imagined was true? Wouldn't it be horribly sad?
exactly 2 years ago, I was in the chemistry lab. It was the end of chemistry class and everyone was busy stuffing wet test tubes into their bags and packing chemical stained notes into their files. My chemistry teacher ( I can't remember for the life of me what his name is) was at the front of the lab, trying to stuff out brains with last minute information. After awhile, he realised that no one was really listening to him. So, to end off, he said:
"ok, happy valentines day. Don't worry if you have no one to spend valentines day with. No matter what, your chemistry notes will always be there for you. class dismissed."
That got everyone's attention and they giggled to themselves at the funny remark the teacher made.
I, on the other hand, felt uneasy. There in front of me was a man whose entire life consisted of chemistry. He breathed chemistry. He ate chemistry. He drank chemistry. He lived chemistry. At that moment, I imagined him as a teenager, bent over a poorly lit table that was sagging under the weight of chemistry books. I imagined him pouring information into his brain, and finally, at the stroke of midnight, he decides to call it a night. He goes to sleep with chemistry equations swimming in his brain, and a contented smile creeps onto his face.
This thought disturbed me alot.
In retrospect, I was making alot of assumptions. But what if what I had imagined was true? Wouldn't it be horribly sad?
Happy valentines day everyone! I'm not one of those who particularly enjoys valentines day, but I do think this day is important. It serves as a reminder to all that love does exist. Despite all its screw ups, love is everything it's cracked up to be.
Love comes in all forms. It's so much more than a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates, poems, a string of kind words and candlelight dinners. I didn't receive any of those things today but, I can safely say, I am loved.
Everyday should be valentines day. But today is a special day that gives hope to people in search of love. I wish you guys the very best. Love is worth fighting for.
I do not know where this surge of optimism came from, but it feels nice to be happy.
anyway, visit this link!
It's just for fun, so do it! :)
Love comes in all forms. It's so much more than a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates, poems, a string of kind words and candlelight dinners. I didn't receive any of those things today but, I can safely say, I am loved.
Everyday should be valentines day. But today is a special day that gives hope to people in search of love. I wish you guys the very best. Love is worth fighting for.
I do not know where this surge of optimism came from, but it feels nice to be happy.
anyway, visit this link!
It's just for fun, so do it! :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
OH MY FUCKING GAWD. Guess what song i'm listening to?! go ahead, guess guess guess!
can u believe it?!
it makes me so fucking ecstatic listening to songs I had long forgotten about.
it's funny how songs trigger off the faintest memories burried deep within the nooks and crannies of your brain. My memory of this song was watching the music video on tv and thinking to myself that it had a funny blue tinge and the camera was shooting from a low angle. The funny thing is that I don't even know if the music video is actually like that.
Listerning to the song now, I doubt I would have liked it if this had been my first time listening to it. But there are just some things you love so dearly just because they are from your past. Like spice girls and disney movies.
some things just move you in a way that nothing and noone else can.
Ok, i'm now gonna post something which is totally embarrassing. So shoot me, I'm a sucker for such stuff.
Find a guy that calls you beautiful instead of hot
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you,
and how lucky he is to have you.
can u believe it?!
it makes me so fucking ecstatic listening to songs I had long forgotten about.
it's funny how songs trigger off the faintest memories burried deep within the nooks and crannies of your brain. My memory of this song was watching the music video on tv and thinking to myself that it had a funny blue tinge and the camera was shooting from a low angle. The funny thing is that I don't even know if the music video is actually like that.
Listerning to the song now, I doubt I would have liked it if this had been my first time listening to it. But there are just some things you love so dearly just because they are from your past. Like spice girls and disney movies.
some things just move you in a way that nothing and noone else can.
Ok, i'm now gonna post something which is totally embarrassing. So shoot me, I'm a sucker for such stuff.
Find a guy that calls you beautiful instead of hot
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you,
and how lucky he is to have you.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Goodbye to the heart with no name.
I managed to destroy my favourite heart shaped pillow. In case you guys don't remember it, here it is:

A moment of silence please.
I dirtied it with decayed strawberry juice. I washed it but somehow, it never did quite dry properly. It smelled really bad after every wash. I didn't let it go without a fight though. I washed and dried it MANY times. Sometimes, you just have to learn to let go.
Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to meet the dawning of a new era! Introducing polka mama:

Isn't she cool?
I received polka mama in the mail a few days ago.
Thanks baby!

A moment of silence please.
I dirtied it with decayed strawberry juice. I washed it but somehow, it never did quite dry properly. It smelled really bad after every wash. I didn't let it go without a fight though. I washed and dried it MANY times. Sometimes, you just have to learn to let go.
Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to meet the dawning of a new era! Introducing polka mama:

Isn't she cool?
I received polka mama in the mail a few days ago.
Thanks baby!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Well, looks like my grand plan to study my ass off didn't materialise. There were way tooooo many distractions over the weekend, but I had a blast. I refuse to face up to the harsh reality that i've once again squandered all my time away. Hence, I'm up at 2.40am trying to finish my math assignment. I've got to wake up at 8.30am tomorrow and drag myself to school. It's not going to be a pretty sight.
I can't believe i'm listening to eamon - don't want you back.
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont' want u back
teehee, i remember bouncing in the car, on my way to school every morning, mouthing the words to this song. I couldn't say the word 'fuck' because my mom and little brother would be in the car. Saying the f-word in their prescence would be absolute suicide. But over here, I can sing the song at the top of my lungs and no one gives a fuck.
I can't believe i'm listening to eamon - don't want you back.
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont' want u back
teehee, i remember bouncing in the car, on my way to school every morning, mouthing the words to this song. I couldn't say the word 'fuck' because my mom and little brother would be in the car. Saying the f-word in their prescence would be absolute suicide. But over here, I can sing the song at the top of my lungs and no one gives a fuck.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
wax bar
Wax Bar
Mss organised an event last week. The turn out wasn't as good as expected, but at least we had fun dressing up :)


Ah, it was as fun as usual. Our trip down to chinatown for a casual lunch became a whole day affair. I love my gg!
Mss organised an event last week. The turn out wasn't as good as expected, but at least we had fun dressing up :)


Ah, it was as fun as usual. Our trip down to chinatown for a casual lunch became a whole day affair. I love my gg!
Friday, February 03, 2006
no place to go, but heading for disaster
I feel like taking a personality test. I need one to tell me who I am. Pathetic isn't it? I'm definitely no longer having puberty, but I don't feel like my hormones have stabalised. My behavior has been all weird and I dont know what's happening. My behavior is very unsettling, even to myself.
Everyone grows, now is a time as good as any to start I guess. I'm scared of what I'm becoming. I never did need to turn to alcohol to make me feel better. And I can already see what my next step is going to be. I need something to steer me in the right direction but I'm so resistant to any kind of help.
I can act happy, but it only goes down well with alcohol.
On a less depressing note, .....................................................................................................................
........................ =)
Everyone grows, now is a time as good as any to start I guess. I'm scared of what I'm becoming. I never did need to turn to alcohol to make me feel better. And I can already see what my next step is going to be. I need something to steer me in the right direction but I'm so resistant to any kind of help.
I can act happy, but it only goes down well with alcohol.
On a less depressing note, .....................................................................................................................
........................ =)