Lucky charms
I'm feeling recharged and energetic now (though i don't know how long that will last).
I've been feeling really grumpy as of late. I feel quite bad for treating amy like a punching bag. I shall stop being a bitch and show people that i'm capable of love.
ah, anyway, he's coming over with a caramel frappucino *huge piggish grin*. Feeling pretty excited to see him although i just saw him about 2 hours ago.
reasons why I'm grumpy:
-lse hasn't sent me a letter
-I can't settle my accomodation without my letter
-I like lounging around at home and i feel grumpy when i'm forced to do otherwise
- i say stuff i don't mean when i'm grumpy and i have too much pride to say sorry. So that aggravates the grumpy problem even more
- i'm just pms-ing like crap.
i can't think of anymore reasons other than those i stated above.
Moving on, i had a really queer dream last night. I can't really remember the entire dream, but i dreamt that sabby was embarking on some voyage. I remember hugging her before she left, a nice big hug and she started licking my face! Subsequently, she started licking ziwei's face too! oh, and i do remember this small kid chasing me around and i was dead scared cos I thought he was a leprechaun.
This is my second dream about leprechauns. Gawd, i just hate them. Freaky little things.
just to prove my point:
I've been feeling really grumpy as of late. I feel quite bad for treating amy like a punching bag. I shall stop being a bitch and show people that i'm capable of love.
ah, anyway, he's coming over with a caramel frappucino *huge piggish grin*. Feeling pretty excited to see him although i just saw him about 2 hours ago.
reasons why I'm grumpy:
-lse hasn't sent me a letter
-I can't settle my accomodation without my letter
-I like lounging around at home and i feel grumpy when i'm forced to do otherwise
- i say stuff i don't mean when i'm grumpy and i have too much pride to say sorry. So that aggravates the grumpy problem even more
- i'm just pms-ing like crap.
i can't think of anymore reasons other than those i stated above.
Moving on, i had a really queer dream last night. I can't really remember the entire dream, but i dreamt that sabby was embarking on some voyage. I remember hugging her before she left, a nice big hug and she started licking my face! Subsequently, she started licking ziwei's face too! oh, and i do remember this small kid chasing me around and i was dead scared cos I thought he was a leprechaun.
This is my second dream about leprechauns. Gawd, i just hate them. Freaky little things.
just to prove my point:

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