and the collision of your kiss

Sunday, February 27, 2005

You know how men always pride themselves on being macho and hunky right? Well, amy is no exception. But sometimes he lets out these high pitched screams which are so bloody funny. He did it today when I jumped out of a corner and screamed BOO! I must have had laughing fits for 5 minutes. If this goes on, I'm going to get abs of steal. Say goodbye to my wobbly, jelly tummy.

That poor boy was being so traumatised by me today. I did everything I could think of to traumastise him. haha, that look on his face is priceless. But please don't pity him, he knew what he was in for the minute he became my friend. Hmm, but I think he was feeling especially vulnerable today cos he shaved himself bald, yet again. urgh! (I feel like posting a really horrid picture of him bald, but I think he'll go crazy if i do. Stay tuned, I might do it one day heh heh heh)

Anyway, are malay barbers any good? Will they be able to thin my hair for me if I ask them to? I'm pretty tempted to go there to get a haircut. How bald could it be? heh, bad joke? Even if it turns out bad, hair grows back and I won't have to keep forking out $25 just to get a simple haircut. Anyone wanna dare me?

My second toe was squashed and stuffed into the snowboarding boots, resulting in this. (I told you my toe was long). So much pain...but so worth it. Posted by Hello

The bruise on my leg after snowboarding (the snow was really hard and compact) Posted by Hello


Just watched Million Dollar Baby. It's a bloody good show! Wasn't able to catch every single scene (amy should know why) but it was really inspirational and sad. I would have cried if not for the fact that I was more absorbed in cuddling. (It's amazing how the movie didn't kill our mood to cuddle)

Hmm, I just realised something. My last entry on my previous blog was about a movie, and now my first entry on this new blog is about a movie as well. It's as if I never stopped blogging. heh, but I can tell my blogging skills (if I may call it that) are really rusty. Let's see if I can remember how to blog....

...This morning I woke up at 12.15, then I ate lunch, then I used the computer, then I went to orchard...

Nah, I think I can blog better than that. I'll try to make my blog more interesting this time round. No more nonsense that no one besides me can understand and definitely no more code words. From now on, whatever I want to say will appear on this blog, copy and pasted directly from my brain.

Is everyone out there working? Am I the only one not joining the workforce? I'm so unworked and unexploited. Actually, I am secretly dying to receive my first paycheck but I'm unable to find the committment to show up for work for more than a day. Anyway, even if I wanted to get a job, I want to wait till I get back my results. Don't ask me why. All my plans have been paralysed till I get back my results.