and the collision of your kiss

Thursday, July 14, 2005

fair-weather / under the weather

I have made a resolution not to be a fair-weather girlfriend. I don't think it's fair to amy. All relationships go through highs and lows and I'm gonna stick around when the lows come. =)

Speaking of weather, I'm feeling under the weather but I'm really tempted to take my rollerblades out and go around my estate. Hmmm, have i mentioned that I'm thinking of joining the rollerblading club in uni? I think it'll be really nice to go rollerblading in the parks especially in such cool weather.

Anyway, all my friends are shopping (with amazing gusto) for their university clothes. It wasn't until yesterday did I ask myself exactly what I should buy for uni. How do people dress over there for school? I don't want to be the only one dressed in baggy frumpy sweaters. I think I'll use the time where everyone's in school to go hunt down some nice stuff.