is missing SingApoRe aLorts Leh. I sit here da whole dae, stardie staRdie StaRdie veri Sianzz one leh. When I got Free time, I Like 2 tiNk abOut HoMe. Dat dae, I was LooKing ThrougH My ComP, Den Came aCroSs mY HoneYmoON PhotoS. AiyOh, My bOi Boi iSh realli veli Cute leh! Na, Let YoU seE.

hehehe, veli cute hor?! He goT SnoWflAke iN His HaiR. I sEe Alreadi heaRt pAin Pain. NehMind, A feW MorE WeEKs Of SuffEring Den I caN Be wiF Him alReadi. hehe.
YaH, aNyWays, I nEveR bLog aBout Moi HonEymOon, so, I shAll Blog abOut it noW. TheRe waS thIs One Day, Boi anD Me WenT tO waTCh soCceR. ARsenAl vs FulHam. Aiyo, I dunCh Like SOcceR LorHz. I dUn KnoE whY He ISh sOOoOOO CraZi abT it. So nVm, I StiLL go AnD KeeP hiM ComPAny. Wah! WheN We Get theRe Horz, So ManY DirTY Men AppRoaCh Us anD Try 2 Sell Us BlaCK mARket TicKEts. So Damn Ex, but Boi Still Buy. i Told you Mah, He iSh CraZi Abt SOccer. Den, We Walk To de StadIUm.
On Our WaY TherE, We sAw The FulHam fOoTball ShoP

BuT We NeveR go In And Buy AnyThiNg.
TheN WaLk waLK waLK, We finaLLy ReaChed. WaH, AfteR aLL That waLKing, I was DaMN HungRY LOrz. GoOt thIng, theRe weRE bUrgeR standS SelLing DamN xiang1 BurgeRs.

Queue DaMn LonG But Bo BiaN.. HunGry Den mUst Queue LOr. sIGhZ.
Den, We weNT Into The StaDium to WatCh thE GAme. Boi Bet 50PoundZ on The gamE. Siao SiaO siaoZ~! I wAnt To sCoLd hIM and hiT hiS ArM, But I SeE Him sHO Excited sO I ConTrol.

SeE, staDiuM VeRi NiCe anD Big Horz? De aRsenAL PlaYErS aRe waRming Up. De WeaTheR was Damn COLd LorZ, I dUNnoe HoW TheY cAn REn3. I WiLL Freeze LorH if I weaR so Little. I wORe daMN AlorT N I waS StiLL coLD. I eveN WorE the aRsenAl cAp bOi bOught 4 mE.

Ehzz...But I think HOrZ, wEaRing a cAp noRT such A goOt idEa, It made my HaIR veRI flat LoRz. Sighz.

Ehzz...Can U See In Dis Pix my haIR is flat flat One? VeRi nan3 Kan4 HoR?
But nevErmInd, EveN ThoUgh My haIR FlaT, I sTiLL enJoYed MyseLf cOS diS iSh de firSt Time I watCh soCceR. wah, VeRi exCiting Leh. EveN thE sun WAs ShinINg VeRI bRite!

PreTTi Hor?
aNYwAeZ, dUN wAN 2 bLOG ABouT hONeYMoOn aNYMOrE LAH. i WaNna gO zzZzzzZzz LiaOz. But fIRsT, I goT MorE pHOtos.

oKieZ, goOtNighT, SleeP TighT! DunCH leT de Bed Bugs bIte.

hehehe, veli cute hor?! He goT SnoWflAke iN His HaiR. I sEe Alreadi heaRt pAin Pain. NehMind, A feW MorE WeEKs Of SuffEring Den I caN Be wiF Him alReadi. hehe.
YaH, aNyWays, I nEveR bLog aBout Moi HonEymOon, so, I shAll Blog abOut it noW. TheRe waS thIs One Day, Boi anD Me WenT tO waTCh soCceR. ARsenAl vs FulHam. Aiyo, I dunCh Like SOcceR LorHz. I dUn KnoE whY He ISh sOOoOOO CraZi abT it. So nVm, I StiLL go AnD KeeP hiM ComPAny. Wah! WheN We Get theRe Horz, So ManY DirTY Men AppRoaCh Us anD Try 2 Sell Us BlaCK mARket TicKEts. So Damn Ex, but Boi Still Buy. i Told you Mah, He iSh CraZi Abt SOccer. Den, We Walk To de StadIUm.
On Our WaY TherE, We sAw The FulHam fOoTball ShoP

BuT We NeveR go In And Buy AnyThiNg.
TheN WaLk waLK waLK, We finaLLy ReaChed. WaH, AfteR aLL That waLKing, I was DaMN HungRY LOrz. GoOt thIng, theRe weRE bUrgeR standS SelLing DamN xiang1 BurgeRs.

Queue DaMn LonG But Bo BiaN.. HunGry Den mUst Queue LOr. sIGhZ.
Den, We weNT Into The StaDium to WatCh thE GAme. Boi Bet 50PoundZ on The gamE. Siao SiaO siaoZ~! I wAnt To sCoLd hIM and hiT hiS ArM, But I SeE Him sHO Excited sO I ConTrol.

SeE, staDiuM VeRi NiCe anD Big Horz? De aRsenAL PlaYErS aRe waRming Up. De WeaTheR was Damn COLd LorZ, I dUNnoe HoW TheY cAn REn3. I WiLL Freeze LorH if I weaR so Little. I wORe daMN AlorT N I waS StiLL coLD. I eveN WorE the aRsenAl cAp bOi bOught 4 mE.

Ehzz...But I think HOrZ, wEaRing a cAp noRT such A goOt idEa, It made my HaIR veRI flat LoRz. Sighz.

Ehzz...Can U See In Dis Pix my haIR is flat flat One? VeRi nan3 Kan4 HoR?
But nevErmInd, EveN ThoUgh My haIR FlaT, I sTiLL enJoYed MyseLf cOS diS iSh de firSt Time I watCh soCceR. wah, VeRi exCiting Leh. EveN thE sun WAs ShinINg VeRI bRite!

PreTTi Hor?
aNYwAeZ, dUN wAN 2 bLOG ABouT hONeYMoOn aNYMOrE LAH. i WaNna gO zzZzzzZzz LiaOz. But fIRsT, I goT MorE pHOtos.

oKieZ, goOtNighT, SleeP TighT! DunCH leT de Bed Bugs bIte.
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