and the collision of your kiss

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I'm back!!! There's no place like home.

The trip was really good. Alot of food, alot of shopping.

I didn't do much shopping the first 3 days i was there. I was kinda baffled at the price of shoes and clothes. Why did they cost so much! A pair of shoes on average cost about S$ 200. They were damn nice but i wasn't willing to part with my sweet money.

So finally on the last day I chanced upon this long back alley which sold alot of cheap goods! So...... to sum it all up, I shopped alot but bought very little cos I was shopping at the wrong places majority of the time I was there. But i still managed to pick up some pretty good stuff.

The days were packed with shopping, eating, looking at chinese antiques and going to art galleries. I had the world's best wanton mee, roasted duck that melts in your mouth and tons of snacks.

I'm so glad to be back cos now my mom can discipline me....and tell me it's wrong to indulge in too much in shopping.


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