- there's some shrivelled up kee zang (glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in leaves) hanging from my window. I shall leave it up there. Maybe one day, I"ll be insane enough to pluck one off and munch on it like an apple.
- gosh, it's week9 already. I've been back in london for 9 bloody weeks! Feels like yesterday that I was complaining about being back in halls while poking at the tasteless bankside turkey breast. where has all the time gone. Just one more week before term ends.
- I'm starting to blog alot less. And when I do blog, it's always just random shit. Aren't people tired of reading my crap? I sure as hell am.
- When I go back to singapore, I'm gonna head straight down to sngs (my primary school) and eat some wanton, fried rice, and chicken. I've been wanting to eat it since forever. I just hope the wanton stall lady is still there. I haven't been back for 7 years. God I hope she's there. ok, I'm greedy, so what?
- I think the lead actor in 'the sopranos' is totally hot. Here's a picture of him:

teehee. hmm, i think my blog needs more eye candy. Oh what the hell, I shall post another picture of him

what did i tell ya. sizzling hot.
Bah, whatever, this is a sickening, pointless post. I think I shall keep up the pointlessness...
- i hope to make this weekend a productive one and catch up with my stats (if that's even humanly possible). I should at least try to be hardworking next week so that I will end the term with a bang. Maybe I will even forgive myself for wasting this entire term away.
- I was sitting on the bus today. There was another bus infront of the bus I was on and I noticed something pretty unusual. Here, take a look:

Can you make out what it is? It's a sanitary pad stuck onto the back of the bus window. Haha, I thought it was pretty damn funny.
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