and the collision of your kiss

Friday, July 14, 2006

I think I'm leading the most uneventful holiday ever. All my friends are travelling, doing internships, doing charity work etc. And here I am, enjoying life as a snail.

My results were released yesterday. I actually forgot that my results were out. My brother casually reminded me as I was lazing on the couch. So I scurried over to my computer and checked it on my lse account. Boy do i hate checking results online, my heart feels like an alien ready to pop out of my chest and my palms get impossibly sweaty. But all turned out good. *beam*

It wasn't until a few days ago that I found out my nose has been plagued by blackheads. I've been rubbing my nose for the past week and wondering why it's so rough. Well, mystery solved. BLACKHEADS. Clusters and Clusters of them. Yuck yuck yuck. Under further speculation, I suspect it's the face cream that I bought from new zealand. It's supposed to be from lamb's wool that contains lanolin which I think is too rich for me. I was totally suckered into buying it. There was this whole pamphlet that said the reason why shepards' hands are so soft and smooth is because they come into contact with the oil in lambs wool. Damn lambs, shepards and nature, you've given me blackheads.