and the collision of your kiss

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jiaying told me that i should revive my blog, so i took her advice and here i am! hmm, we just spent 2 hours in the kitchen gossiping about every random thing that comes into mind. It's so funny, i love bitching with her. Actually, not really with her...she does most of the talking, i do most of the laughing/listening. Her stories really brighten up my day:)

I can't believe that it's now the 9th week of term. One more week till i go back. I'm really excited about going back, seeing my friends and family, and starting my internship, but, on the other hand, i'm so comfortable here that I feel sad leaving. My room is soooo comfy. In fact, i feel sad leaving it for school even...heh. But really, my favourite past time now is just chilling out in my room, watching grey's anatomy/prison break/anything i can get my hands on.

Oh, just last night I was watching 'The L word'. It's actually really good! Plus, there's lesbian one on one action. I think now i know why it got such high ratings....all the guys must be glued to the television everytime there's some steamy lesbian action.

I was doing some thinking. I told myself at the end of my first year that I was going to make my second year better. I don't know if this year is better, but i feel so different. Maybe it's cos i just turned 20, and i tell myself I can no longer get away with saying stupid things. I realise now that the only person who is getting me through life is me. I no longer want to lean on anyone for support..not my sister, not my parents, not my friends.

there's way too much to blog about. I can't do it all in this entry...I really got to get back to work. I'll post more soon.


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